Peer review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published. Independent researchers in the relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity and significance to help editors determine whether a manuscript should be published in their journal. Our Services to Journals are in two parts:

1. WE CREATE: Peer review systems for Journals using Open Journal System which is an open source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals. It is a comprehensive tool for managing an entire submission and editorial workflow and publishing articles and issues online. It offers the following features:

  • Responsive reader front-end.
  • Flexible and configurable editorial workflow
  • Online submission and management of all content
  • Subscription module with delayed open access options
  • Integrated with scholarly publishing services such as DataCite Commons, ORCiD, ROR etc
  • Recommended by Google Scholar for ease of indexing and discoverability
  • Locally installed and controlled
  • Community-led and supported
  • Multilingual and translated into over 30 languages
  • Extensive user guides and training videos
  • User-friendly

In our work with Journals, we have digitized past Volumes and Issues and created a system that is robust and highly Search Engine Optimistic. One of the major characteristic of this framework is the speed in which Google Scholar crawler finds and indexes articles.

2. WE MANAGE/ADMINISTER: Peer Review Systems for Journals. Management and Administration of Open Journal System can be a daunting task. We lift this burden off the shoulders of Journals by:

  • Updating new Volumes and Issues as of when due
  • Updating the OJS Core and Plugins to ensure the safety of the site online
  • Adding new content and purging stale content as indicated by the Editor

Some Journals we are serving are listed below:


Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy

Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research

Journal of The Linguistics Association of Nigeria

Drug Discovery and Research Group

Ibom Journal of Social Issues

Journal of Nigerian Languages Project 

Tropical Journal of Phytochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Researchers Journal of Science and Technology

Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR)

Edo Poly Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (EPJSTEM)

Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria 

Nigerian Journal of Parasitology

Nigerian Journal of Haematology

The Nigerian Health Journal

KB Law Scholar Journal

African Journal of Research in Medical and Health Sciences

Journals of Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics (Multiple)

AKSU Annals of Sustainable Development

West African Journal of Pharmacy

Toxicology Digest

Nigerian Medical Journal

Journal of Public Health and Toxicological Research

​​Journal of the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria(MWAN)

Journal of Biological Research and Biotechnology (Bio-Research)

 Nigerian Journal of Literacy and English Education

International Centre for Integrated Development Research (ICIDR) 

Nigerian Open, Distance and e-Learning Journal (NODeLJ)

Port Harcourt Medical Journal

International Journal of Social Sciences

Nigerian Journal of Anaesthesia

Tropical Journal of Drug Research

Tropical Journal of Chemistry